Let’s talk about stunt driving

I knew racing was stunt driving, but intentionally slowing down on a tailgater (who by definition is also stunt driving?)

HTA, “Stunt” driving can mean:

  • Burn outs, drifting, or donuts.
  • Popping wheelies or doing stoppies on a motorcycle (or car if possible).
  • Occupying a passing line for longer than is reasonably required to overtake.
  • Driving with a person in the trunk of motor vehicle , or driving while not in the driver’s seat.
  • Exceeding 50km/h of the speed limit (the most commonly known, and the most commonly charged offence).
  • Driving without due care and consideration of others on the road, or in a way that might endanger someone by: intentionally preventing another person from passing, stopping, cutting someone off, or slowing down.
  • Driving as close as possible to another vehicle, person, or cyclist.
  • Jumping ahead and turning left before traffic commences through an intersection.

I see many vehicles pulled over for over 50, but rarely for any other of the above list.

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